







Science of


& More.

Modular Online Wellness Courses

Breathe Easy for Menopause Mums
One time
For 3 weeks

Breath is one of the few things in life that we can have control of. In peri-menopause there’s lots in our life we have no control of. Breathing is something we all do, and we can learn to have control over it, and in turn learn to take control of the nervous system, stress response, sleep quality, and energy with a completely natural approach. This course goes live Jan 1st 2025. Visit the link below to sign up for a FREE discovery class: Sun Nov 17th or Sun Dec 1st 2024 at 8pm.

✓ Bitesized daily video practice
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Digital course handbook
✓ FREE additional conscious breathing practice
✓ FREE additional guided bedtime yoga nidra
Bedtime Yoga Nidra - Free Guided Practice

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every season.

✓ FREE Guided Yoga Nidra to help you get the best nights sleep
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Conscious Breathing - Free Guided Practice

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every season

✓ FREE guided practice to help you connect to your breath
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Join a special mailing list to receive pre-launch developments.

Contact us via the I am curious button below!

Breathe Easy for

Menopause Mums

Change your Breath: Change Your Life. There will be two free ‘Breathe Easy for Menopause Mums’ live online taster sessions at 8pm on Sunday 17th November and Sunday December 1st 2024.

For those who wish to meet Susanna and get a feel for the course: book now to secure your place.

  • Enroll and learn some powerful insights from Susanna’s experience of how breathwork helped her to transform her life in peri menopause. 

    Susanna has built and delivered online courses for leading Universities and now her focus is on building leading creative wellness courses that are affordable, transformative and accessible so you can learn new methods to live by. Delivered in bitesized modular programmes, providing toolkits that really will change your life for good. Lifetime access means you take control of when you learn and can revisit the content over and over again until it becomes ingrained as a regular habitual practice for good.

    This course goes live on the 1st December 2024. As recommended in OM Yoga magazine winter edition 24/25. 

    Susanna became a breathwork coach under the renowned teacher Lucas Rockwood at Yoga Body, who taught a Science based approach to breathwork.

    When you Buy this lifetime course you get an additional FREE Bedtime Yoga Nidra Practice and a FREE Concious Breathing Practice.

    *There will be two free ‘Breathe Easy for Menopause Mums’ live online taster sessions in November and December 2024. For those who wish to meet Susanna and get a feel for the course. Book here to secure your place.

  • ‘Breathe Easy for Menopause Mums’ is organised into two easy to follow chapters for busy women on the go. 

    Chapter 1: Breathwork Fundamentals:

    Learn about the power of your own breath in 8 lessons. 

    We will cover:

    • How We Breathe

    • Breathwork & Yoga

    • Science & Research

    • Body/Mind Connection

    • Calming the Stress Response

    • Applying Techniques to Daily Life

    This Chapter has intro videos to each lesson and image and text based learnings to scroll through on screen. You also eceive a beautifully designed digital handbook that you can reference and print out if you so wish.

    Chapter 2: Breathwork Practice Videos

    Lifetime access to 3 short daily breathwork practice videos for 7 days. These draw upon Prāṇāyāma, an ancient yogic breathing technique that involves controlling the breath in different ways and for varying lengths of time but are simplified in this course to make them short practical, accessible and easy to integrate into a regular practice.

    Breathing Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated… 

    Every single breathing exercise is simply affecting your nervous system in one of three ways: parasympathetic (rest and digest), sympathetic (wake up, become alert), or balancing response (if your are up it brings you down, if you are down it brings you up to a balanced state). 

     In these videos we will be using:

    • Coffee Category Practices (Uplifting/Morning) 

    • Water Category Practices (Balancing/ afternoon/anytime)

    • Whiskey Category Practices (For Sleep/ evening)

    *Water, whiskey, coffee are slang terms to you remember the nervous system impacts of practice that are rajasic, tamasic, and sattvic. Under the Yoga Body School  the categories are simplified to make them more accessible.

    • Your hormones affect the way you breathe and how you breathe affects your health and wellbeing.

    • Breathing can help relieve menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, joint and muscle aches.

    • Restore depleted energy caused by insomnia and fatigue.

    • Reinforce positive thoughts that improve self-esteem.

    • Rebalance your emotions, such as Menorage, anxiety, low mood.

    • Breathing can help improve digestion, reduce insomnia, lower stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

    • Breathing can help improve your sleep and reduce insomnia.

    • Breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes. No food, exercise or medication acts as quickly.

    • Reduced rate breathing can stimulate a rest and digest, parasympathetic nervous system state to help with sleep, stress, and anxiety.

    • Rapid, pulsed breathing stimulates a sympathetic nervous system response to increase energy, prepare for exercise, or boost the body’s natural defenses.

    • Diaphragmatic breathing massages the vagus nerve and reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress.

    “Breathing impacts every aspect of your health - sleep, digestion, movement, mental wellbeing, disease, and recovery. It’s an extraordinary resource with life-changing potential. It’s simple, free, and available to everyone.” Patrick McKeown - The Breathing Cure.

Creative Wellness

for Burnout


Affordable, accessible online bitesized creative wellness course that blends some of the most impactful methods that the School of Creative Wellness offers.

Drawn from Susanna’s personal journey, utilising leading research and practice in psychology, health and wellbeing combined with creative prompts, yoga, breathwork and meditation to help people on a journey to living their best life.

Join a special mailing list for pre-launch developments by clicking on the I am curious button below! Course Launching in Spring 2025.