

 Yoga Nidra for


Full Moon / New

Moon Women's





Rituals For Women's


The School of Creative Wellness is a regenerative business. In tune with cycles of nature and the cycles and changes in womens lives. We are now, more than ever before disconnected from our bodies, hyper stimulated in our minds and more isolated (or detached from the more natural state of being) as humans due to the technological worlds we inhabit.

Susanna holds regular online events that include breathwork, journaling and meditation with the sole aim of enabling others to take time to connect to themselves, to down regulate their nervous systems and to be still, breathe and reflect. These meet-ups are short, affordable, accessible and help to form regular self-care rituals.

Bedtime Yoga


The goal of Yoga Nidra is to promote a profound state of relaxation. Susanna guides you through a beautiful Yoga Nidra meditation to set you up for a blissful nights sleep.

Clean your teeth, get ready for bed and surrender into stillness.

  • Susanna guides you through this beautiful guided meditation practice

  • Yoga nidra, also known as ‘yogic sleep’, is a simplified form of an ancient tantric relaxation technique. The most general description of the practice is that it combines guided mental imagery with a specific yoga posture called Shavasana (or “corpse pose”). The goal of yoga nidra is to promote a profound state of relaxation, which differs from sleep inasmuch as there is still an awareness of one’s surroundings. While several components of the practice have been known since ancient times, it was not until the 1960s that an updated and systematized system of practice was introduced to the public through the writings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Unlike other schools of yoga, which emphasize concentration or contemplation, yoga nidra’s goal is complete relaxation. As such, its advocates claim that it is suitable for all individuals, from beginners to advanced practitioners of yoga. The calm inner stillness induced by yoga nidra is claimed by practitioners to be an effective stress management tool as well as a means for attaining greater receptivity to personal resolutions. National Library of Medicine.

  • Online. 21.00 - 21.45 GMT twice a month on Wednesdays

  • £3 Per Session

    Google Meet link sent on booking

    Wednesdays 9pm (twice a month)

    Book Here

Full / New Moon


Building in these regular habits is hard, it is much easier to do collectively. These meet ups combine breathwork, meditation, journaling and scientifically proven techniques from Yale University’s Science of Wellbeing Course to improve your wellbeing if engaged with regularly.

This is where the science meets the woo. We are building a community of women, supporting women to have regular check-ins with themselves.


    Landing & breathe

    Short presentation from Susanna

    Short reflection, celebration and intentional burn journaling exercise


    Short meditation



    Landing & breathe

    Short presentation from Susanna

    Short intention setting (looking to the weeks ahead) journaling exercise


    Short meditation

    *You will need:

    To make a special quiet place for you to sit and maybe lie down at the end. Perhaps a favourite blanket and a pillow. Make your nest. A glass of water. Light some candles. Maybe use some essential oils. A pen and a nice notebook. Any objects or things that you love around you. This is your time. Your space.

    Ask you family/ housemates to leave you uninterrupted for 30 minutes. (This is your time, a regular time of maximum 1 hour per month). Set the boundaries and mark it in your diaries. This is time to focus on you. To relax and reflect in a safe and calm cosy space. A space that you have created and that Susanna will hold for you collectively online. Cameras can be off. No sharing necessary. These are practical and private sessions.

  • Online twice a month on a New and Full Moon 21.00 - 21.30 GMT

  • £3 per session

    9pm - 9.30pm

    Online (a google meet link is sent on booking)

    Every Full and New Moon (on the day or day before)

    Book Here

  • Susanna leads and particpates in thios cyclical wellness ritual